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Portland, ME
Portland, ME
  • LPN/LVN 13 Weeks Days Estimated Total Pay $1,959.18 - $2,112.20/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $18.00 - $25.00/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Host Healthcare has exclusive access to this job, so you get top priority when applying.
Grants Pass, OR
Grants Pass, OR
LPN/LVN - Home Health
  • LPN/LVN 13 Weeks Days Estimated Total Pay $1,898.99 - $2,048.20/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $18.00 - $25.00/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible

Host Healthcare has exclusive access to this job, so you get top priority when applying.
Homer, AK
Homer, AK
LPN/LVN - Skilled Nursing
  • LPN/LVN 13 Weeks Nights Estimated Total Pay $1,886.13 - $2,039.15/wk*
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*Includes estimated wage of $49.64 - $56.64/hr and non-taxable benefits if eligible


As a travel LPN/LVN, you’re dedicated to making a real difference in patients’ lives, and we understand the challenges that come with this incredibly rewarding role as a licensed practical nurse or licensed vocational nurse, depending on your state. Completing the educational program and licensure requirements demonstrates your commitment to helping your others and their families. That’s why Host Healthcare is here to support you every step of the way, providing you with the support, tools and resources you need to grow and thrive in your LPN/LVN career. Now that you have passed your licensing exam and are ready to work alongside other healthcare professionals, Host Healthcare is here to help find you the perfect city and facility for you!

Licensed Practical Nurse vs Licensed Vocational Nurse

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

In most states the position is referred to as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). Although a majority of states recognize this position as a LPN, this does not mean your license is accepted in all states. Be sure to check with one of our licensing specialist to confirm your licenses are up to date for your desired travel contract state.

Licensed Vocational Nurse(LVN)

In the states of California and Texas LPNs are referred to as a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN). Although the titles may be different the daily function of the positions are identical as you care for patients through checking blood pressure, changing bandages, and overall patient care.


Ready for an adventure? Discover exciting travel LPN/LVN opportunities at top-tier healthcare facilities nationwide with Host Healthcare coordinating your travel assignment! Our specialized recruiters are passionate about matching you with assignments that align with your skills and lifestyle. We know your dedication to patient care, so we offer top tier benefit such as day-one health coverage and 401k matching. Let Host Healthcare handle the logistics, so you can focus on making a difference in others lives. It’s time to explore, grow, and earn while experiencing the best of the US!


We believe that when we support you as licensed practical nurses, you can provide the best possible care to your patients. LPN education programs are typically offered by vocational schools, community colleges, or technical institutes. That’s why we offer access to exclusive jobs across the country, free CEUs, day-1 health benefits, and other valuable resources to support you during your travel nursing career. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of security services in preventing online attacks and protecting websites from various threats.

Check out our exclusive LPN/LVN jobs and get ready to embark on your travel journey with Host Healthcare. Our responsive recruiters are here to help you take your career to new heights.


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The #1 Rated Travel Nursing Agency

Check out these reviews from real Host Healthcare travelers.

First time working with Host Healthcare and my recruiter Alison is awesome!! SO responsive and worked relentlessly to get me a job exactly where I wanted to be. Onboarding was a breeze thanks to my recruiter and being so willing to help anytime I had questions. Will continue to work with Host as long as I’m traveling 🙂
Emily Janke Aug 7, 2024
Host healthcare has been amazing. Jayme Fowler, my recruiter has gone above and beyond for me. We had a few hiccups in the beginning but this girl went to every measure to get my onboarding done. She is so sweet and really cares about the nurses. She answered every question I had. She is extremely responsive! I absolutely love working with her! 10/10!
Jennifer McDaniel Aug 30, 2024
My recruiter is so amazing. Katie works with me in many difficult scenarios, is very quick to respond, and is always willing to provide more information and understanding. She is so friendly and thorough, and I would recommended her to anybody looking to become a stress free travel nurse!! Seriously 10 stars
Grace Menard Aug 16, 2024
Host Healthcare is great. Vicky is the best recruiter ever. She is organized, caring. Professional, and truly concerned regarding your well being. I have never had a recruiter so kind. Keep up the great work Host Healthcare.
Daphne Sanders Aug 9, 2024