If you’ve flirted with the idea of travel nursing or travel therapy, now’s the time to check further into it. Fall is a beautiful time to travel the country. Travel nursing travel therapy can be so rewarding! The obvious benefits are: Higher pay, experiencing new cities, experiencing different clinical settings, and having someone else do the dirty work in finding you the perfect position. Check out these ideas to get the most out of your assignments.
Get the most out of your assignments…
1.Explore your new city.
– Recreational: Do you enjoy hiking, hiking, dancing, cooking, and/or painting? Try any and/or all of these while your there! Some of these you can find free through the city websites. You will meet new, like-minded friends this way as well!
– Wander: It’s healthy to go off the grid sometimes and just be okay with not having a plan. Plop yourself in the middle of downtown — check out the mom-n-pop shops that make up your new city. Get to know the locals, their stories, and how they enjoy spending their time. Find yourself exploring the natural wonders of the town — this could be a nearby park, lake, ocean, hiking trail, desert land.
2.Find your new favorites.
– Coffee Shop
– Brewery
– Gym
– Mall
– Farmer’s Market
Once you lock these in, you’ll feel more at home and find that regular routine we all yearn for. You will meet new people through classes you participate in, such as gym classes, cooking or painting classes, hiking groups, etc. This whole experience may exist for you to get out of your comfort zone and make you an overall stronger individual, emotionally, physically, and clinically!
Host Healthcare Travel Nurse and Travel Therapy
Host Healthcare offers an extensive list of travel nurse and travel therapy jobs. Call one of our friendly recruiters at (800) 585-1299. We are here to help you to get started.